
The Deception of the Serpent | Genesis 3:1-5 | Sunday Sermon I 10/27/24

In this powerful Sunday sermon, Pastor Ivan delves into Genesis 3:1-5, where the serpent deceives Eve into eating the fruit from the forbidden tree. Through this story, Pastor Ivan reveals how the enemy operates in our lives—just as the serpent did in the Garden—by trying to steer us off God's path, even though the enemy has no true power over our choices. Pastor Ivan emphasizes that the tree in the garden symbolizes free will, reminding us that while God provides a perfect and intentional system for our lives, it’s ultimately up to us to choose obedience. Much like Eve, we encounter situations where we must discern and stand firm against deception. Through this message, you’ll learn the importance of guarding your heart and mind, relying on God’s Word, and staying vigilant against the subtle tricks the enemy uses to lead us astray. Bible Reference: Genesis 3:1-5 - "Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, 'Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?..." #SundaySermon #Genesis3 #PastorIvanGarcia #HeavensEyesChurch #TheSerpent #FreeWill #BiblicalLessons #Faith #Deception #ObedienceToGod #ChristianTeaching


Finding True Identity Beyond Competition I Genesis 27:18 I Genesis 32:22 I Sunday Sermon I 10/27/24